Close-ups of an eye of a child and hand reading braille in a book.

Braille for the World

TETRAGON develops innovative Braille products, in particular refreshable Braille displays. One of our priorities is to make these products available to as many people as possible. To achieve this goal, we are also working on a new co-creation and distribution concept with partner companies in Africa.


Today, some parts of our hardware prototypes were presented at a workshop in Kenya, and members of a local makerspace successfully assembled them as an early proof of concept for future partnerships. Tetragon participated online to provide information and guidance. We thank the people from FH Technikum Wien (Austria's University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Digitalization), who were physically present in Kenya, for including us in this workshop.

FH Technikum Wien

Out of 376 submitted projects, Tetragon was ranked first for Eureka's Innowwide funding. The funded project will run for 6 months, starting in May, and consists of a pilot of our co-creation concept with iZone Hub, a partner in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Eureka Innowwide

iZone Hub

Today we participated in a co-creation workshop with experts and potential partners from Africa. The workshop was hosted by the Vienna Business Agency and resulted in a collection of topics and insights that could be important for bringing our technology to Africa.

Vienna Business Agency

In the context of the upcoming re:publica in Germany, a festival for the digital society, we present our concept of cooperation with companies in Africa to potential partners. For this purpose, we have also created a video presentation and two folders with recent photos of our Braille displays. You can find all this information on a new subpage:

Tetragon’s subpage for re:publica

Official re:publica website

The Vienna Business Agency is launching a new funding program called Tech4People. At an information event today, Tetragon’s Wolfgang Zagler will take part in a panel discussion on digital humanism.

Vienna Business Agency: Tech4People

Tetragon is among the winners of the grant competition »Digital Humanism« offered by the Vienna Business Agency and the Vienna Science and Technology Fund. The grant is supporting us to develop a roadmap of how we want to bring assistive high-tech to low-income-countries. To work on this roadmap we will partner up with the Austrian NGO »Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs«.

Vienna Business Agency

Vienna Science and Technology Fund

Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs

With our company (GmbH) established and our remaining financing secured, we are finally able to receive our first installment of the FFG Kleinprojekte program. With this, we can once more fully engange in the further development of the BrailleRing.

FFG Small Scale Project

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